
ARTnet | Art in America
Ceilia Alemani shares recent interests as she prepared for the 59th edition of the Venice Biennale – including Nevelson Chapel.
Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art
”Life, Death, Hereafter” explores angles around the ultimate demise awaiting all organic beings.
Vittoria Benzine
The story of Nevelson Chapel… [a] place of transcendence.
Balasz Takac
Nevelson Chapel launched a campaign aimed at raising $6 million to repair and conserve the interior of the 1977 installation.
Louise Nevelson’s Chapel, a Little-Known New York Gem, Is Launching a $6 Million Fundraising Campaign to Refurbish Its Sculptural Interior.
Sarah Cascone
Le Quotidien de l’Art
Marion Bellal
Chellis Baird found a kindred spirit in the great iconoclastic sculptor Louise Nevelson.
Chellis Baird
Chellis Baird blurs the intersection of painting, sculpture and textiles. She explores the elements of painting by reconstructing handwoven canvases from a unique perspective.
Pregame Magazine
Portland Press Herald
The “Trinity Columns” on loan…while the chapel is restored to preserve one of Nevelson’s most ambitious and distinctive environments.
Bob Keyes
NYC Arts
Philippe de Montebello explores the new MoMA with its director, Glenn Lowry, and then visits Nevelson Chapel. Both midtown gems recently re-opened to the public after extensive renovation.
One of Midtown’s most obscure treasures went back on view last month after the first phase of a restoration project…a tranquil redoubt in a hectic area.
Andrew Russeth
Pratt practitioners and students help restore Louise Nevelson's New York City landmark.
Clinton Krute
Faith and Form
Louise Nevelson’s Chapel of the Good Shepherd at Saint Peter’s Church...a place of encounter...a living communion.
Judith Dupré
Buildings Magazine
Nevelson Chapel's new lighting to mimic the old to preserve the quality of light and shadows and to create a renewed experience.
Sarah Kloepple
NYC Arts
Video segment including interviews by Brooke Kamin Rapaport, Senior Curator of Madison Square Art at Madison Square Park Conservancy, The Reverend Jared R. Stahler, Associate Pastor Saint Peter’s Church, and Laurie Wilson, Nevelson Biographer.
Interiors + Sources
Exploring how the restoration of Nevelson Chapel maintains the cultural and historical relevance the Chapel.
Kadie Yale
Curbed, NY
Highlighting Nevelson Chapel as an urban respite in New York City.
Allison D. Meier
The Architects Newspaper
Considering Nevelson Chapel’s role as privately owned public space.
Jack Balderrama Morley
Architectural Digest
Featuring the Chapel in the context of artists’ chapels around the world.
Elizabeth Fazzare
Discussing the importance of restoring and preserving Nevelson’s masterwork.
Regina Cole
Looking at the artist voice that shaped the Chapel.
Thia Reggio
Art Daily
Heralding the awarding of two major gifts to the Chapel restoration.
Reporting from India for a global audience, this article provides an overview on the Chapel restoration.
For the UK and the world, announcing progress on the Chapel.
Adrian Welch
Highlighting the conservators and architects at work on the Chapel.